Address methane emissions

Methane emissions are within our control—and fixable

Wiping out methane emissions is the biggest, easiest, and most rapid shortcut we can take in the near term to hold down global temperatures

Direct (Scope 1) methane emissions from the oil and gas industry contribute to global warming with the same intensity as Europe’s entire CO2 emissions. The good news is that it is within our control to reduce and ultimately eliminate methane emissions, starting right now.

The challenge is knowing where to start

Start with a plan. And a partner you can trust.

SLB engineer climbing a ladder

Fixing the fixable

By slashing methane emissions with solutions available now, we can take a giant step forward toward decarbonizing oil and gas production.

Routine flaring—the emissions we can see

By wiping out routine flaring, we can significantly reduce GHGs quickly.

Venting and fugitive emissions—the methane we can’t see

Just as HSE is “baked” into our facilities and procedures today, root cause analysis and continuous emissions reduction will become embedded in the way we design facilities and shape our processes going forward.

Combustion efficiency—small percentage points make a big difference

Flaring at 96.5% combustion efficiency produces double the GHG emissions of a 100% efficient flare. Our flare monitoring includes advanced laser technologies that measure uncombusted methane and successfully combusted carbon dioxide to ensure that your flares operate at peak efficiency.

Gas to what?—finding the alternatives to routine flaring

Instead of flaring excess natural gas, why not just use it? A whole range of "gas-to-X" technologies means we can cut greenhouse gas emissions while making sure associated natural gas is put to good use—and turned into value—by converting it into power, liquids, chemicals, and even cryptocurrency.

Based on SLB studies and internal calculations with emissions data sourced from IEA (2021) Methane Tracker Data Explorer and Our World in Data (

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