Automated Lithology

Increase your lithological accuracy and enhance well planning

Automated Lithology.

Transmit precise cuttings descriptions

Automated Lithology enhances your lithological accuracy by delivering precise digital representations of layers, fractures, traps, and pockets. The hardware of Litholink, the interface of Lithoscribe, and Litholog combine to provide AI-driven machine learning, enabling you to capture and transmit high-resolution digital images of rock color, grain size, grain sorting, roundness, oil show, visual porosity, fossils, and special minerals.

You can easily integrate digital logs with rich datasets into any reservoir evaluation workflow, rapidly share your data through Performance Live™ digitally connected service, and incorporate images and digital descriptions into your reservoir models, minimizing geological uncertainties on any type of well and improving your well construction plans. 


Automated Lithology Creates Digital Reservoir Analysis
State-of-the-art high-definition imaging digitalizes reservoir characterization, expanding lifespan of wells and potential recoverable oil and gas reserves.

Capture high-resolution images from drilled cuttings

Litholink calibrated variable-controlled digital hardware that captures high-resolution images from drilling cuttings and embeds metadata, enabling geologists to analyze lithologies in high detail from the drillsite at labs around the world. AI-driven machine learning continually makes more accurate digitalized descriptions.


Improve the characterization process

The Lithoscribe interface improves the characterization process, giving you digital descriptions and data of your rock cuttings matched to capture geological features. The descriptions create a digital database of the subsurface of the well, providing quantitative and calibrated color identification based on the Munsell rock color chart.


Clarify lithological descriptions

Litholog presents a comprehensive subsurface log from cuttings, providing key geological parameters as lithological layers and numerical values and delivering highly mobile data. Interpreted lithology translates cutting percentages from depth intervals into the actual geological layers. Litholog generates illuminated lithology layers with ROP data and gamma ray technology to improve quality. This process is done automatically, and all geological properties are displayed as curves.

Analyze lithologies in high detail from any location

Use this technology with any computer to load images or use without images if the descriptions are made at the rig site.

  • Embedded data model for each rock type
  • Widget to measure object size
  • Zoom control
  • Cuttings descriptions saved as numerical values retrievable for comparative analysis