
Chromatic geology extraction software

WesternGeco texture hero

Reveal geology from seismic data

Designed for the interpretation geologist and geophysicist, the eXchroma chromatic geology extraction software plug-in for the Petrel E&P software platform provides an innovative visualization environment that reveals subtle geologic details in seismic data.

The eXchroma software plug-in enhances the visual representation of amplitude heterogeneities present in your 3D seismic volume to 5-m resolution. Using methods analogous to satellite image processing, eXchroma software correlates individual amplitude sample values as intensity of red, green, and blue layers and combines them into a single layer where they are repeated for each sample interval until the full 3D cube is represented. This enables delineating and isolating geologic features that were previously indiscernible from seismic noise.

The eXchroma software plug-in augments your existing Petrel platform seismic interpretation, multitrace attributes, modeling, and reservoir characterization workflows. The software enables you to explore data without horizons, extract geological structures, and validate geological interpretation in color.

Image distinguishing different rock units and current-related structures
Distinguish between different rock units and detect current-related structures in the range of a few meters.
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Image highlight subsurface geologic processes and reservoir facies
Highlight subsurface geologic processes and reservoir facies.

With eXchroma software, you can create

  • structurally sharpened red-green-blue volumes, representing the degree of heterogeneity observed between adjacent data
  • structural attribute cubes, representing the intensity of geologic features present inside the seismic data volume
  • structurally enhanced amplitude volumes visualizing the input seismic data with amplitude values weighted by the structural attribute cube.

Features include

  • input from spectral decomposition, multioffset, or multicomponent
  • depth gap imaging method
  • rms windowed method.

View previously indiscernible features

eXchroma software provides accurate volume calculations and geobody extraction with great precision. It enables you to identify drilling hazards more easily and see previously indiscernible features such as reservoir compartmentalization, unstable seafloors, gas hydrates, fluid expulsion, and overpressured zones. Through an accurate geological analysis, eXchroma software leads to a better understanding and reduction of risk.

Deepwater sedimentary structures in Gulf of Mexico
Map faults in unprecedented detail.