Surface fluids logging while-drilling service
Provides fast and true at-surface hydrocarbon composition.
Advanced real-time fluid logging and analysis service
FlairFlex advanced real-time fluid logging and analysis service performs formation evaluation and reservoir characterization in all well and reservoir types while drilling.
This unique advanced mud gas service combines a virtually maintenance-free gas extractor and advanced field gas chromatograph–mass spectrometer (GCMS) to provide highly reliable measurements that enable predicting the gas/oil ratio (GOR).
Compared with conventional data sources, FlairFlex services enables better infrastructure planning and provides you with information you can use for exploration and appraisal investment decisions—before downhole sampling or well testing is even possible. FlairFlex service's continuous fluid logs can also optimize wireline sampling operations.
Additionally, FlairFlex service assesses interwell and intrawell reservoir fluid characterization and connectivity while drilling and improves geosteering decisions for more precise well placement. In unconventional plays, FlairFlex service can be the only information source for the fluid type and composition before production starts.
By continuously logging fluid data, FlairFlex service derisks and improves downhole sampling decisions. Combining FlairFlex service data with other formation evaluation techniques provides a robust and accurate picture of hydrocarbon in the formation.
Download brochureGeoservices is the industry leader in surface logging, focusing on drilling support and formation evaluation.