Mozambique Angoche Basin

15,000 km2 of broadband seismic data

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Reveal hydrocarbon potential in Angoche Basin

Working with the National Petroleum Institute (INP) of Mozambique in 2015, Schlumberger acquired 15,000 km2 of broadband seismic data in the Angoche Basin. The survey is optimally located to help oil and gas companies reveal the hydrocarbon potential offshore Angoche in the upcoming 6th license round. Acquired using IsoMetrix marine isometric seismic technology, the survey provides a significant improvement in both data quality and coverage to highlight the prospectivity of the region and reduce risk in the exploration and development phases.

Mozambique Angoche Basin 3D seismic survey.
The survey covers previous Angoche blocks and future open areas, acquired in collaboration with the INP.

Our multiclient 3D survey exclusively covers Block A6-C of the Mozambique 6th licensing round.

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The vertical tracking of Oligocene-Neogene channel development visualized with eXchroma chromatic geology extraction software demonstrates the high-quality broadband data volumes acquired with marine isometric seismic technology. Data courtesy of the INP.

Angoche Basin

Data highlights

  • 15,000 km2 of data acquired using IsoMetrix marine isometric seismic technology, providing true 3D broadband data
  • Long-offset data with 8-km streamer
  • Final PSTM volume processed through modern broadband processing workflows, including adaptive deghosting (enhancing the low-frequency information in the data) and the application of adaptive subtraction within the 3D surface-related multiple elimination (SRME) aimed at areas of high-frequency diffracted multiples
  • High-quality depth imaging of more than 2,500 km2 of seismic data using a combination of adaptive and least-squares full-waveform inversion and iterations of tomography updates; this accounted for the complexity of the overburden, including mass-transport flows, channels, and thin layers
  • AVO products that demonstrate the value of broadband processing on angle-dependent amplitudes and derisk deepwater exploration
  • 4,990 km2 of high-resolution shallow hazards cube: 2-ms sampling with 6.25-m × 12.5-m bins to functionally assess possible closures or spill points and better delineate fault planes
  • Final migrated volumes now available for licensing, which shows enhanced seismic data quality
Legacy image of shallow hazard reprocessing. Image of shallow hazard reprocessing.
Shallow hazard processing shows improved imaging of the complex overburden.
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Derisk your exploration decisions. An abundance of turbidite reservoirs in lobal and confined channel structures with strong AVO anomalies has been identified and mapped.