MR Scanner

Expert magnetic resonance service

 MR Scanner* expert magnetic resonance service

3D profile of the reservoir and its fluid contents

MR Scanner expert magnetic resonance service makes simultaneous multifrequency measurements using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) at multiple depths of investigation (DOIs). A single pass in the wellbore provides total and effective porosity, permeability, and fluid identification and characterization.
MR Scanner service radial profile
The tool has a multifrequency main antenna designed for fluid characterization applications and two high-resolution antennae that provide rock-quality and producibility answers.
MR Scanner Service measurements
The tool has a multifrequency main antenna designed for fluid characterization applications and two high-resolution antennae that provide rock-quality and producibility answers.

Measurements without ambiguity or bias

MR Scanner service’s NMR measurements are made independently of other logging outputs and are unbiased by formation water salinity or the rock matrix. This avoids the ambiguity introduced by shale, thin beds, or low resistivity contrast to conventional measurements.

The depth of measurement into the formation lets you see beyond the data-quality problems associated with rugose boreholes, mudcake, and fluids invasion. Regardless of hole size, deviation, or temperature, the eccentered design of the MR Scanner tool maintains the multiple DOIs of the measurements.

High-resolution NMR reveals your production potential, distinguishing movable from nonmovable fluids, even in thinly laminated reservoirs.


For data acquired using MR Scanner expert magnetic resonance service, our expert, multidisciplinary interpretation geoscientists and engineers work with you as needed, employing advanced workflows and software such as the Techlog wellbore software platform to maximize the informational value.

The result is the fullest possible understanding of complex lithologies from profiles of porosity, permeability, fluid typing, and oil viscosity at multiple DOIs from a single pass. The water saturations derived from MR Scanner service are independent of formation water salinity or formation lithology to avoided induced measurement biases or ambiguity.

Interpretation Services for MR Scanner Expert Magnetic Resonance Service