Committee Membership
The New Energy and Innovation Committee (the “Committee”) of the Board of Directors (the “Board”) of Schlumberger Limited (“SLB”) shall consist of at least three directors. The members of the Committee and its Chair shall be appointed by the Board upon the recommendation of the Nominating and Governance Committee and may be removed by the Board at its discretion.
The Committee’s Purpose
The purpose of the Committee is to act in an advisory role to support Management’s execution of its New Energy and Innovation strategies, including review of the Company’s innovation initiatives supporting the Company’s Core, Digital and New Energy businesses.
Committee Authority and Responsibilities
The authority and responsibilities of the Committee are to:
- provide insight on the growth potential, maturity and viability of the targeted New Energy business sectors (“Targeted Sectors”);
- share insights on global macroeconomic, geopolitical and regulatory trends that may influence the Targeted Sectors;
- provide feedback on the projects, ventures and initiatives selected by Management in the Targeted Sectors for implementation of its New Energy strategy;
- review the scope and focus of the Company’s current research and development and early-stage investment programs in alignment with growth areas in the Company’s Core and Digital businesses and in the Targeted Sectors;
- review critical innovation initiatives and share insights on the viability of technologies that could accelerate business growth; andvalidate the sustainability impacts of growth opportunities.
Committee Meetings, Support, Outside Advisors, Delegation and Evaluation
- The Committee shall meet at least twice a year, or more often as circumstances require, keep minutes of its proceedings, and report regularly to the Board.
- The Committee may invite to its meetings any person as it deems appropriate to assist it in performing its responsibilities.
- The Committee has the authority, in its sole discretion, to retain and terminate (or obtain the advice of) independent financial, sustainability, or other consultants to assist it in its responsibilities, and to approve related fees and other retention provisions.
- The Committee may delegate specific responsibilities to one or more individual Committee members to the extent permitted by law, regulation, and the governing documents of SLB.The Committee shall conduct and present to the Board an annual performance evaluation of the Committee. The Committee shall review annually the adequacy of this charter and recommend any changes that it deems appropriate to the Board for approval.
Approved by the Board of Directors: January 19, 2023