
Intelligent wireline formation testing platform

ora platform reservoir evaluation
Production Facility image with abstract background and transition technologies arrows.

Decarbonize Your Operations

Ora platform’s deep transient testing (DTT) and sampling services are part of our Transition Technologies portfolio and minimize your CO2 footprint by reducing or eliminating flaring as well as decreasing energy consumption. These environmental-impact-reducing services enable you to reach your sustainability goals while simultaneously delivering best-in-class downhole fluid analysis and sampling solutions to meet your objectives.

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Experience your reservoir like never before—with minimal environmental footprint

Ora intelligent wireline formation testing platform comprises four building blocks: new downhole digital hardware, intelligent planning, operations control, and contextual insights to enable

  • dynamic reservoir characterization in all conditions—including where previously impossible—at an average of more than 50% faster, reducing energy consumption
  • new applications such as DTT on wireline, reducing carbon emissions
  • live control of your operations
  • actionable insights in reservoir context for real-time decisions making.

You can now see farther into the reservoir, confirm reserves sooner, expedite your completion strategy, get a head start on your field development plan and facilities design.

Intelligent wireline formation testing platform
Ora Platform Digital Hardware
Intelligent wireline formation testing platform

Downhole fluids analysis and sampling in all conditions—on average at >50% less time and energy consumption

The platform’s digital hardware leverages new architecture and metrology to redefine the benchmark in wireline formation testing capability. Rated to 392 degF and 35,000 psi with dual-flowline architecture and featuring smart downhole automation, the platform performs reliably and effectively in all conditions, including tight or unconsolidated formations and challenging fluids.

Wideband downhole pumps precisely govern the broad dynamic range with automated flow management and 0.05- to 108-bbl/d capability. The focused radial probe accesses a large flow area to quickly acquire the cleanest fluids, with contamination below laboratory detection limits. The dual-flowline fluid analyzer quantifies fluid properties with laboratory-accuracy downhole metrology options customized for your objectives: dual-flowline spectrometry, calibrated resistivity, high-accuracy density, full-spectrum viscosity, and highest-accuracy and -resolution pressure gauges.

On average, the Ora platform performs downhole fluids analysis and sampling at more than 50% higher operational efficiency, reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions.

overflow image
0.004 mD
Lowest permeability to date
Lowest contamination
7,500 psi
Highest differential pressure to date
383 F (195 C)
Highest temperature to date
Lundin Norway and Partners Efficiently Sample Pure Oil in Fractured Basement Rock

Lundin Norway Efficiently Samples Pure Oil in Fractured Basement Rock

Ora intelligent wireline formation testing platform acquires clean samples despite ultralow permeability, reducing operational time and carbon emissions by 74%

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Deep transient testing on wireline—with minimal or no flaring required

DTT on wireline was conceptualized and developed as a joint project between Schlumberger and Equinor (then Statoil) to bridge the gap between transient wireline formation testing and DST. From its inception, the project's objective was to enable a more sustainable and economical solution for evaluating exploration and appraisal wells at a global scale.

The Ora platform includes DTT capability by design: The platform’s dual-inlet dual packer, highest flow-rate pump in the industry, and patented fluid-handling technology enable DTT on wireline with minimal or no flaring required. The pump’s capacity of up to 108 bbl/d lets you to pump higher volumes, while unique fluid-handling technology enables active hydrocarbon circulation to surface for well control, so you can test longer. And with advanced sensor technology, you can see deeper into your reservoir.

The DTT service of the Ora platform is a proven, alternative solution for determining minimum hydrocarbon in place and zonal deliverability in reservoirs where DST is restricted because of cost, time, emissions, or environmental regulations. DTT on wireline is also used to optimize DST design and operation, further minimizing DST emissions.

In deepwater offshore Africa, the Ora platform DTT service on wireline enabled an operator to confirm oil production deliverability and book reserves. Compared with a conventional DST, the DTT operation reduced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 96%—5,504 t of carbon dioxide equivalent. This is comparable to removing GHG emissions from 436,905 passenger vehicles driven for one day or 1,197 passenger vehicles driven for one year.

World Oil Awards 2021 Best Exploration Technology Award
Schlumberger's DTT on wireline wins the 2021 World Oil Award for Best Exploration Technology.
11 D
Highest permeability to date
580 m
Radius of investigation to date
Well control issues
Image of static model tested.

Repsol Confirms Reserves in Unconsolidated Sands Offshore Mexico Using Intelligent Wireline Formation Testing Platform

Ora platform enables sampling and deep transient testing in poorly consolidated heavy oil sands to prove productivity and delineate viscous gradient.

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Logos of awards Ora platform has won.
The Ora platform is a 2020 World Oil New Horizons Idea Award Finalist, 2020 OTC Spotlight Winner, and 2020 ONS Innovation Award Finalist.