
Seismic-while-drilling service

Illustration of a BHA using the seismicVISION service moving through layers of data

Borehole seismic measurements for real-time velocities

seismicVISION seismic-while-drilling service delivers time-depth-velocity information in real time without disrupting drilling operations, helping you make the best drilling decisions, reduce costs, and improve safety.

The service delivers traditional borehole seismic measurements, including real-time checkshot and interval velocity data, that reduce uncertainty ahead of the bit from several hundred feet——sometimes several thousand. Real-time waveforms can be sent on surface through high-speed MWD telemetry for quality control of downhole data. The real-time waveform resolution and sufficient length allows look-ahead vertical seismic profile (VSP) processing.

Look-ahead data while drilling to guide navigation

Continuous transmission of data through the InterACT global connectivity, collaboration, and information service allows data and consulting experts to provide data quality control, update the target locations, and process look-ahead VSPs while drilling. With this improved navigation, you can

  • update casing and coring points while drilling
  • predict target depths in real time for trajectory adjustment
  • reduce sidetracks and pilot holes.

Pore pressure models for mud-weight management

Interval velocities give you the necessary input data to constrain the pore pressure models while drilling and thus optimize mud-weight selection, helping to save unnecessary casings and produce a larger section.

A composite display of the VSP image from the seismicVISION service and surface seismic data verified the existence of key targets but at different depths than originally predicted.
A composite display of the vertical seismic profile (VSP) image from the seismicVISION service and surface seismic data verified the existence of key targets but at different depths than originally predicted.