Sonic Scanner

Acoustic scanning platform

rock texture

Gain exclusive insight to your reservoir from 3D acoustic characterization

Sonic Scanner acoustic scanning platform accurately measures elastic properties axially, radially, and azimuthally to support geomechanical, geophysical, fractures, and petrophysical modeling.

The integration of multiple monopole and dipole transmitters with 13 receiver stations profiles formations in 3D while simultaneously obtaining a cement bond log when run in cased holes.

How it works: Measuring the stress-dependent properties of rocks

Regardless of the formation type and slowness, the Sonic Scanner platform overcomes conventional acoustic measurement barriers through its wide frequency range, multiple monopole and dipole transmitter-receiver spacings, and full characterization.

The Sonic Scanner tool provides the bene- fits of axial, azimuthal, and radial information from both the monopole and the dipole measurements for near-wellbore and far-field slowness information.
The Sonic Scanner platform provides the benefits of axial, azimuthal, and radial information from both the monopole and the dipole measurements for near-wellbore and far-field slowness information.
3D Far-field Sonic Service product sheet.

3D Far-Field Sonic Service

The 3D far-field sonic service extends sonic imaging far beyond the reach of standard sonic logging while also providing true dip and azimuth. The service enables an automated workflow that rapidly delivers consistent, precise quantitative results up to 10× faster than conventional processing and analysis to bring new insight to understanding your reservoir.

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Well log using data from the Sonic Scanner platform and offset wells
The minimum horizontal stress (center track) calculated with the anisotropic equation using data from the Sonic Scanner platform and offset wells matches the conventionally calculated pressure gradients in the upper part of the well but is significantly lower than the overestimated gradients in the deeper section in the anisotropic shale overburden.

Drilling design

Integrating data from acoustic measurements with wellbore images and reservoir testing, estimated pore pressures, stress magnitudes, and the fracture gradient refines the mud-weight window to avoid future drilling challenges. Layered shales and fractured formations are readily identifiable to enable drillers to better maintain wellbore stability.

Read how Sonic Scanner acoustic scanning platform characterizes shale geomechanics in the North Sea Eldfisk Field more accurately than fracture gradient methods.

Stimulation design

Properly contained hydraulic fractures are designed by using continuous stress profiles based on acoustic measurements because they account for shale layering and differential stress. The accuracy of stress profiles is honed by calibration with dual-packer stress tests and maps of wellbore failure occurrences from breakouts and induced fractures.

Completion design

Quantification of anisotropy in rock mechanical properties and determination of the maximum horizontal stress guide completion design for achieving optimal production, especially in highly deviated or horizontal wells accessing unconventional reservoirs or where sanding is a concern. Measurement of the extent of the alteration zone and damage effects is used to calculate the necessary perforation penetration, and achieving uniformity in perforation performance is based on understanding stress anisotropy.

Read how perforating design using Sonic Scanner platform’s acoustic data reduces skin by >60%, Colombia.

Log showing high-quality acoustic measurements by the Sonic Scanner platform.
SPAN Rock stressed-rock perforating analysis incorporated high-quality acoustic measurements by the Sonic Scanner platform to fully account for the depth of alteration and geomechanics of the formation. The recommended PowerJet Nova extradeep penetrating shaped charges successfully penetrated beyond the alteration zone.
Log showing high-quality acoustic measurements by the Sonic Scanner platform.
Stoneley wave measurements enabled determination that the fractures were natural, not drilling induced.
Stoneley wave measurements enabled determination that the fractures were natural, not drilling induced.

Fracture evaluation

Distinguishing drilling-induced from natural fractures and using shear wave anisotropy and Stoneley wave data in conjunction with images to identify existing fractures as open or closed are important considerations for designing completions, targeting hydraulic fracturing, and maximizing production.

Seismic velocity modeling

Well velocity calibration accounts for shale layering and stress anisotropy to refine the time-depth conversion for more accurate analysis, tie-ins, and use in applications such as seismic inversion.

Microseismic modeling

Simulating complex fracture networks relies on calibration based on acoustic measurements for differential stress, geomechanical strain, and any existing discrete fracture networks.

Rock physics evaluation

Sonic Scanner platform logging can be used to relate physical rock properties to seismic data to improve the value of data in modeling.


Our petrotechnical experts work with you to apply advanced interpretation techniques and workflows to deliver answers from measurements made with the Sonic Scanner acoustic scanning platform. 

Advanced sonic waveform processing and analysis provide critical information for completion optimization, sanding prediction, wellbore stability studies, and mechanical earth models. Shear wave splitting and orientation of the fast shear azimuth guide lateral well placement, and Stoneley analysis can indicate and characterize fractures as well as reveal formation mobility.

Data from the Sonic Scanner platform is acquired and ready for solutions through integrated Techlog platform workflows for geomechanics, geophysics, fracture evaluation, and petrophysics.  

Geomechanics & Advanced Acoustics

Acoustics Interpretation Suite

Interpretation Services for Sonic Scanner Acoustic Scanning Platform
Interpretation Services for Sonic Scanner Acoustic Scanning Platform Wellsite Answers Interpretation Services for Sonic Scanner Acoustic Scanning Platform
  • Compressional slowness
  • Shear slowness
  • Poisson's ratio
  • Vp/Vs
  • Dipole shear anisotropy (fast/slow shear slowness, fast shear azimuth)
Interpretation Services for Sonic Scanner Acoustic Scanning Platform Geomechanics Interpretation Services for Sonic Scanner Acoustic Scanning Platform
  • Stress magnitudes, regime, and direction using dipole radial profiling in vertical and deviated wellbores, integrated with borehole image interpretation and oriented calipers
  • Anisotropic mechanical properties and stress profiling in shale formations as input to completion and drilling designs for vertical and deviated wellbores
  • Critical drawdown pressures before solids production and perforating design parameters
Interpretation Services for Sonic Scanner Acoustic Scanning Platform Geophysics Interpretation Services for Sonic Scanner Acoustic Scanning Platform
  • Anisotropic velocity model from compressional, dipole anisotropy, and Stoneley shear sonic data for a single well at any deviation or relative dip
  • Data directly used for velocity modeling, rock physics, and AVO modeling with vertical seismic profile (VSP) or heterodyne distributed vibration sensing (hDVS) data for velocity modeling
  • Verticalization of sonic slownesses in deviated wells
Interpretation Services for Sonic Scanner Acoustic Scanning Platform Fractures Interpretation Services for Sonic Scanner Acoustic Scanning Platform
  • Stoneley reflection and attenuation of fractures intersecting the borehole, integrated with dipole shear anisotropy and forward modeling of borehole image data to confirm the presence of open fractures
  • Evaluation of stimulated fracture geometry using time-lapse dipole anisotropy and Stoneley analysis
  • True dip and azimuth of fractures in the far field using 3D coherence and ray tracing of reflected monopole and dipole waveforms
Interpretation Services for Sonic Scanner Acoustic Scanning Platform  Petrophysics Interpretation Services for Sonic Scanner Acoustic Scanning Platform
  • Stoneley mobility using attenuation to complement NMR and formation testing for evaluating permeability from secondary porosity such as vugs or poorly connected pores
  • Identification of gas or light hydrocarbon using Poisson’s ratio and Vp/Vs as well as input to lithology determination